As a service to our Linux-using customers we provide the following software repositories:
  1. Add the BitDefender repository key to the list of apt trusted keys:
    apt-key add bd.key.asc
    NOTE that the second command must be run as root or by using sudo
  2. Add the following line to the /etc/apt/sources.list file:
    deb bitdefender non-free
  3. Refresh your apt cache by running:
    apt-get update
    aptitude update
  4. Install the desired BitDefender packages using your prefered apt front-end
    For example:
    apt-get install bitdefender-mail
The DEB repository is accessible here.
  1. Install the BitDefender-repo package:
    rpm -i
  2. Update the yum cache:
    yum update
  3. You can now install BitDefender packages using your prefered rpm front-end.
    For example:
    yum install BitDefender-mail
    NOTE that on the first install of a BitDefender package you must accept to trust the GPG key associated with the BitDefender packages
The RPM repository is accessible here.